The Charlotte, Vermont Photos and Documents website features digitized material in the collections of the Charlotte Library and the Charlotte Historical Society. Some of these items can be viewed in the original format, but most are only available in the digitized form. Charlotte’s local historians are always seeking new information to help document Charlotte history – and are happy to assist you with your questions about people, places and events from Charlotte’s past.

Charlotte Library

Charlotte Historical Society

Recently Added Items

Exterior view, black and white photo 2.5" X 3.5"

View of the school from the road, black and white photo, 2.5" X 3.5"

Children outside in the snow, black and white photo 2.5" X 3.25"

"Palmer children (?) at Kingsland School"
Black and white photo, 2.5" X 3"

Exterior view in winter, black and white jpg file 1.75" X 2.75"