Wallace McNeil Photos - People
Wallace McNeil Photos - People
black and white photos
undated, 1910 - 1935
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Wallace McNeil
Donated by Nancy Sabin
electronic file
The Charlotte Library
The images and documents in the Charlotte, Vermont – Photos and Documents collection are provided for research and educational use and may be protected by U.S. Copyright law (Title 17, United States Code), which governs reproduction, distribution, public display, and other uses of protected works. Uses may be allowed with permission from the copyright holder, if the copyright on the work has expired, or if the use is fair use or within another legal exemption. The user of this work is responsible for compliance with the law. Any display, publication or reproduction of the images must credit the Charlotte, Vermont – Photos and Documents as the holding repository.
JPEG images from glass negatives
Charlotte, Vermont history, west village, Four Corners, home life, work
Individuals and groups in Charlotte, Vermont and other locations, taken by Wallace McNeil in the early to mid 1900s.
Collection Items
black and white photo
black and white photo
This black and white photo was published in The Kaleidoscope 1914, p. 104, by Middlebury College. This can be found on the Internet Archive.
black and white photo
black and white photo
black and white photo
black and white photo
black and white photo
black and white photo
black and white photo
black and white photo
black and white photo
black and white photo
black and white photo
black and white photo
black and white photo
black and white photo
black and white photo
black and white photo
black and white photo